Friday, August 8, 2014

Library remodel.

[Originally posted here on June 8, 2014.]

Sorry for the lull in posts lately--Kaylie had VBS every day last week, which threw our usual schedule through a loop, and my brother moved in with us, so our lives got flipped upside-down a little bit. We're adjusting. :-)

I think we're long overdue for some pictures of my favorite remodeling project in our new house: my library!

I have quite a few books. We had three cheap bookshelves--two tall, one short--back in Indiana, and my books had long ago overflowed their allotted space by the time we decided to move to Atlanta. So after I packed up my books, I sold my itty-bitty cheap-o bookshelves at a garage sale so we'd have to buy nicer, bigger bookshelves in Atlanta. Once we bought our house, we decided to hire someone to build us custom shelves in the basement bedroom.

So here are a couple of before pictures:

From the listing, before we bought the house.

And before we built our shelves.

We hit a small snag in our plans when we had a pipe burst in our laundry room...we had water damage all the way into the bedroom closet. We had to deal with that before we could install the shelves, but they were worth the wait!

Empty shelves.

The shelves on the wall with the window extend all the way to the corners of the room for extra space (which I've already begun to fill). And we asked for lights over the bench under the window, for a reading nook! I have yet to make a cushion for the bench, but that will happen eventually.

Sorting the first eleven boxes.

I had eleven boxes of books, plus about another boxful distributed randomly among other boxes as I either found books out of place or bought more after packing the ones on/near the shelves. And then my dad passed along another three boxes of books I'd offered to take when they pared down to move into their RV (I think I have more on the way, too!).


We also installed new blinds, since the old ones wouldn't close all the way and were about to fall off of the wall. We figured my brother would appreciate working blinds in "his" room, since this is where he'll be living while he's with us.

Sometimes I come down here and just stare at them.  So. Pretty.

I'd love to bore you with my organizational system, but I'll spare you. I'm quite proud of it, and very happy with my new library! :-)

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